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Item #: SCP-1341

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its immobile nature, SCP-1341 (including removed samples) can be safely housed in a standard storage room, unit, or crate without undue effect. As any method which completely obscures it from view negates both its visual and non-visual effects, SCP-1341 can be stored with other objects without issue. Its observed properties, however, require that it not be placed under direct surveillance while in storage.

While any personnel with level 2 clearance or higher are permitted to study materials pertaining to SCP-1341 (exempting video recordings and physical samples), at this time clearance from level 4 personnel is required to begin further direct studies of the object due to past incidents

Description: SCP-1341 is a Doric column approximately 3m in height and 1m in diameter, with 20 fluted grooves running equidistant around its width. Object is made of granite, and appears weathered. The column’s style, materials, and weathering suggest a dating of ██ to ███ BCE. Now characters or figures were found on the column, and even weathering on the top suggest that it was never used to support a structure.

SCP-1341 gives off a visible radiance, in the form of a “halo” or “corona”, across every measurable spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, producing between █ and ███eV dependent on type. In all cases the radiance is within safe parameters for human subjects. The radiance produced in the spectrum visible to the human eye is sufficient for subjects with average vision, or suitable corrective lenses, to read printed text without strain. All other types of radiation produced are calibrated around the visible spectrum. Any attempt to block the radiation in one spectrum (i.e. covering the pillar to block visible light, countering radio waves, etc) blocks the radiation produced across all other spectra. It is unclear how

While initially classified as a curiosity, prolonged exposure to SCP-1341 has been shown to have a detrimental effect on the work ethic of research staff. Initial research into its production of electromagnetic radiation proved inconclusive but promising. At the insistence of Dr. Hotchkin, further experimentation was approved. SCP-1341 was examined with all available standard equipment for measuring electromagnetic radiation. Object was exposed to ultrasound and, at Dr. Hotchkin’s insistence, penetrating radar to ascertain if the cause of the radiation was internal or structural in nature. All tests continued to prove inconclusive, but Dr. Hotchkin’s research team insisted that their work was producing promising results and a breakthrough was immanent.

At this point, Dr. Hotchkin’s team’s requests for materials and reports began to grow increasingly erratic. Speculation by the team suggests many possible theories for the source of SCP-1341’s illumination, ranging from bio- or geo-luminescence of a fungus or ore ingrained in its structure, to speculation that the object was somehow warping available light around itself due to a hyper-dense core structure. Dr. Hotchkin’s team began focusing their studies on SCP-1341 to the exclusion of all other work, repeatedly insisting in reports that while further research was required, their current line of study would result in a breakthrough soon.

Concerns were raised at command-level when Dr. Hotchkin began requesting D-class personnel to perform additional tests on the object. Request was approved, providing 10 D-Class, with a preference to those with an academic background or inclination. Dr. Hotchkin’s logs show initial turbulence between D-Class personnel and research staff, which calmed down after several days of study. Examination of logs indicate a startling degree of cooperation between the two groups.

Dr. Hotchkin began requesting the use of more complicated equipment. Attempts were made to simulate the same frequency and effect of SCP-1341’s illumination, but were largely unsuccessful. D-Class personnel were used for handling of volatile materials. Attempts to gain a core sample of SCP-1341 were unsuccessful, as the coring tools used overheated and exploded, killing three D-Class and one of Dr. Hotchkin’s research staff. While coring proved unsuccessful, research staff were able to chip away samples of SCP-1341 (SCP-1341-2 through SCP-1341-6). Samples retained radiant properties, but Dr. Hotchkin’s attempts to remove larger pieces resulted in malfunctioning equipment and more injured D-Class.

Each failure to determine the cause of the pillar’s illumination was met with increasingly erratic and nonsensical requests for equipment and personnel. SCP-1341 was subjected to ever increasing amounts of electrical current, radiation along opposing wavelengths, and similar methods. Requests were also made for books of occult lore (approved), and one request was made for a psychometric object reader (denied due to lack of personnel). However, Dr. Hotchkin’s log books continue to appear hopeful, insisting that each new failure provides additional insight.

On ██/██/20██, Dr. Hotchkin failed to report for a project review before a board of level 4 personnel. Security was sent to the SCP-1341 lab. Dr. Hotchkin and his team were found conducting experiments on SCP-1341 using blood and tissue drawn from D-1341-01, D-1341-06, and D-1341-10. Bodies of D-Class personnel had been [DATA EXPUNGED], while blood and vitreous fluid had been pressed between layers of plexiglass and treated to prevent drying and loss of colour. Dr. Hotchkin’s research staff had affixed the sheets of plexiglass to a stand and were measuring how the electromagnetic radiation from SCP-1341 refracted through the fluids from various angles. The remains of the murdered D-Class personnel were left haphazardly around the lab.

Dr. Hotchkin and his team were unable to accurately explain their methodology, and on examination of Dr. Hotchkin’s quarters, several additional log books were found, detailing increasingly extreme and nonsensical methodologies for examining SCP-1341. Dr. Hotchkin and team were interrogated and given Class A amnesiacs. No compulsive behaviour was recorded after application of amnesiacs. D-Class personnel were retained, interrogated, put under surveillance, and terminated in accordance with standard procedure.


Date: ██/██/20██

Interviewed: D-1341-05

Interviewer: Agent Martinez

Foreword: D-1341-05 was one of 4 surviving D-Class following closure of Dr. Hotchkin’s study of SCP-1341.

<Begin Log>

Agent Martinez: Please describe your interactions with Dr. Hotchkin and his team.

D-1341-05: The first few days there were a lot of problems between the rest of the D-Class and Dr. Hotchkin’s people. His team were very hostile towards outsiders and treated us with a lot of attitude.

Agent Martinez: But you integrated with them?

D-1341-05: Yeah. There was this…this energy…everyone was really focused on what they were doing and once you started getting involved with it, you just got caught up. Once you showed that you were interested and you wanted to help, you just became part of the team.

Agent Martinez: Did you become worried when the death’s started?

D-1341-05: Not really? I guess. The guys working the drill, I mean that could happen to anyone. I got worried when Dr. Hotchkin wouldn’t let us use radiation shielding when we started bombarding the pillar with gamma rays, but he said that any shielding might skew the results. And I admit…it was hard to argue with that. Most of the guys started volunteering after a few days. They were just…I don’t know. They were just curious, I think.

Agent Martinez: Were you curious as well?

D-1341-05: Sure I was, but they didn’t need everyone to work on the dangerous testing. I mean, it was pretty clear that we couldn’t drill into the thing, but that suggested to Dr. Hotchkin that whatever was creating the light must be coming from inside. I was mostly just fetching and carrying equipment for them.

Agent Martinez: What happened to D-1341-01, D-1341-06, and D-1341-10?

D-1341-05: The doc said that he thought the light reacted differently when it shone on the blood from the guys that the drill took out. But the blood had to be fresh. We drew lots. Dr. Hotchkin promised that this would be the final test, and after this he’d DEFINITELY crack the mystery of where the light was coming from.

Agent Martinez: And did it react differently?

D-1341-05: I don’t really know. Security came in before the experiment could be finished. I was just going by what Dr. Hotchkin told us. I counted myself lucky that I wasn’t one of the guys who drew the short straw.

Agent Martinez: Do you have anything further to say?

D-1341-05: If its not to much to ask, I’d like to be put on the next team working on the pillar. I think we’re on the cusp of a real breakthrough with it, and I have all these ideas…

<End Log>

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