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Item #: SCP-972
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:* SCP-972 is to be housed in standard humanoid containment furnished with standard amenities. Requests for additional furnishing are to be submitted to Dr. █████ and may be granted so long as they do not violate Foundation security protocols. SCP-972 may take meals in Site Cafeteria and is granted limited movement with Site ██. However, subject must be accompanied by one Level 1 Security personnel at all times.
Containment Addendum: Previous containment procedures rescinded due to refusal to cooperate and repeated attempts to breach containment. Subject remanded to containment cell at all times. Cell furnished with one twin bed, with linens to be changed on biweekly basis. Secondary chamber is attached for basic toiletries. No other furnishings permitted until further notice.
Primary containment area to be monitored by no less then four CCTV security cameras and one CCTV security camera in secondary chamber. Cameras are to be inspected weekly for damage and replaced immediately in the event of malfunction or if any damage is found. Video feed to be monitored at by Security personnel in standard 8 hour shifts.
Two Level 2 Security are to be stationed inside the containment area, by the entrance, at all times. Should subject become aggressive or attempt to breach containment, he it is to be subdued using non-lethal means only, with emphasis on limiting unnecessary injury. Due to subject’s lack of combat ability beyond that of the average human, immobilizing foam or consumer grade tasers will suffice for this purpose.
Image of Neutrophil in process of converting pathogen |
Description: SCP-972 is a human male of Mediterranean decent, formerly known as [REDACTED], approximately 28 years of age, standing 1.75 meters in height and weighing approximately 130 kg. SCP-972 possesses normal human physiology with the exception of anomalous immune system responses.
Subject’s blood contains a mean of 3000 leukocytes per microliter of blood, with no adverse affects. Because of the low concentration of leukocytes, SCP-972 is highly prone to infection and disease. However, contraction of any foreign pathogen triggers the anomalous immune response in SCP-972.
When any foreign virus or bacteria is detected, antibodies produced by B-Cells attach to the pathogen and begin reprogramming the invading pathogen through an as-of-yet undetermined process. The reprogrammed pathogen will then begin attacking the original, unaltered infectious agents. In addition, neutrophils will also to and convert invading pathogens into new white cells to off set SCP-972’s natural deficiency, rather then ingesting and destroying the pathogens as in a normal immune system. During this process, the subject will suffer symptoms consistent with infection including but not limited to: elevated body temperature, increased appetite, and lethargy.
Once all infectious agents have been terminated or converted, they will then be expelled from the body. Expulsion is accomplished through [REDACTED] depending on type and severity of infection.
Addendum A: Requests submitted to begin testing immune response to toxic agents and cancerous infection. Approval currently pending review.
After review of most recent psych evaluations, subject determined to be showing early signs of Stockholm Syndrome. Recommending testing be placed on hold and subject treated. ~Dr. Schraubelocker
Recommendation declined. Subject has repeatedly attempted to breach containment. You are ordered to encourage this development. This may serve to garner some better cooperation from him it without having to use more drastic measures. ~Site Director ███████.
Deleted. Possible rewrite upcoming
SCP-698-1 during Stage 2 manifestation photographed by Agent ███████ during Incident 698-3-A |
Item #: SCP-698
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Object is to be stored in a standard 3 x 3 x 3 m containment cell, constructed of reinforced concrete. Door is to be guarded by two (2) Level 2 Security personnel at all times. Object is to be placed on a 1 meter pedestal in the center of the chamber when not involved in testing. Access to chamber is prohibited unless authorized by either Dr. ████████ or two Level 3 personnel for testing purposes only.
When in transit, SCP-698-2 must be held closed by no fewer than 2 rubber belts. No other measures are needed. SCP-698-1 may only be handled by either D-Class personnel or through robotic assistance.
Any Foundation personnel coming in contact with SCP-698-1 are to be quarantined and placed in standard humanoid containment with weekly psychiatric evaluations. They may also request termination at any time after their condition has been verified. Requests are to be handled by on site medical staff unless overridden by Site Command.
NOTE: Following Incident 698-3-A, one (1) D-Class personnel is to be exposed to the effects of SCP-698-1 within twenty-four (24) days of the previous TSubject's death to prevent a migration event. Also, pedestal is to be fitted with a weight sensor that will trigger a Level 2 lock down in case such an event occurs until SCP-698 is found and returned to containment. One D-Class is to immediately be exposed to the object's effect after such an event. Also, the lid of SCP-698-2 is to be left open at all times and chamber monitored by Level 2 Security in standard eight (8) hour shifts. Observation of chamber is performed via four security cameras connected via CCTV to monitoring room.
Children are not permitted in Site-██ without prior Site Command or O5 approval.
SCP-698-1 during Stage Four as seen during bond with D-74589 |
Description: SCP-698-2 is a box with dimensions 30x15x7 cm. SCP-698-2 is composed of an alloy of iron, bronze, and lead. Despite the length of time in containment, 698-2 displays no oxidation and a dull red sheen. There is a single keyhole on the front of the box; however, no key was recovered during acquisition. SCP-698-2 can be damaged through all conventional means appropriate for high density metals. It should also be noted that SCP-698-1 will fit into the box regardless of its size.
SCP-698-1 is a doll of variable appearance, though initially appearing as part of the ███████ ███ doll series on initial contact. SCP-698-1 will bond to the first living human it comes in contact with, hereafter known as the Subject. The doll’s appearance will begin to alter over time as exposure to the Subject increases, gradually becoming more predatory in nature. The object's effects take place in four (4) identified stages. Currently, only the cause for the final stage transition has been discovered.
In Stage One, SCP-698-1 will begin to appear in random locations near the Subject, even if it had just been placed into SCP-698-2. First sighting typically occurs within 2-3 days after exposure and generally involves finding SCP-698-1 in seemingly innocent locations (e.g., under the bed while cleaning, on a couch just before sitting, etc.), though this will initially be confined to the Subject's residence. Subjects in Stage One exposure generally become uneasy after locating the object as they near the beginning of Stage Two.
Stage Two is marked by the first change in appearance of SCP-698-1 after initial contact. Changes can include, but are not limited to: Dulled coloration, changes in facial expression and appearance, and slight deformity in construction. SCP-698-1 will begin appearing to the Subject in more public areas, often in areas that may cause distress to the Subject such as the workplace. These sightings are not hallucinations. SCP-698-1 can be seen and interacted with by other individuals present and will appear the same to everyone. Subject will begin showing signs of anxiety as well as paranoia. Also, Subject will begin experiencing auditory hallucinations with onset of Stage Two exposure. The hallucinations will typically consist of whispers, which many Subjects describe as faint and indistinct. All Subjects have reported sightings of SCP-698-1 soon after hearing these whispers.
Stage Three is marked by another dramatic change in the appearance of SCP-698-1. These changes can include shifts in material including porcelain or ceramic components as well as appearance of teeth and/or claws. SCP-698-1 appearance will also begin to incorporate aspects of the Subject's phobias, if any are present. If Subject does not suffer from any phobias, they will often develop signs of pediophobia as well as extreme paranoia.
In addition to advancement of the paranoia, the auditory hallucinations from Stage Two increase in intensity and frequency. Subjects claims to hear children giggling or singing. Whispers previously experienced are also more distinct, containing threats of violence against the Subject or Subject’s family and peers.
Stage Four effects begin exactly 95 days after initial exposure, regardless of Subject's current exposure Stage. Subject will begin finding wounds on their body when waking or sharp pains in ankles while sitting. These wounds can appear as deep cuts or bite marks with surprisingly little blood loss. The Subject will also become more withdrawn, attempting to avoid all contact in attempts to avoid SCP-698-1.
Thirteen days after the onset of Stage Four, the Subject will show signs of delusional paranoia in addition to the strengthening of any preexisting fears or phobias. At precisely midnight of the thirteenth day, the Subject will become paralyzed and unable to move extremities. SCP-698-1 will then proceed to [DATA EXPUNGED] until death of the Subject. Subject will remain conscious regardless of amount of blood lost. Observation shows that Subject will remain living until sunrise. SCP-698-1 will then resume its initial appearance and return to the inside of SCP-698-2.
Once Subject has died, SCP-698-2 can be found near SCP-698-1 regardless of its previous location. SCP-698-2 will be fully intact at this time. Any damage present on SCP-698-1 will also be repaired when the box is next opened.
Should the Subject attempt to destroy the doll before Stage Four exposure, it will reform in approximately 24 hours within SCP-698-2 and again start appearing to the Subject. Destroying SCP-698-1 progresses exposure effects to the next Stage.
SCP-698 shows a marked preference for adolescent targets, as shown by Incident 698-3-A. SCP-698-1 appears to ignore current bonds after it comes in contact with a child. SCP-698-1 will resume previous bond after child has died. It is not known if this bond will resume from previous Stages. Testing for this is awaiting O5 approval.
Addendum 698-A: D-Class exposed to effects of SCP-698-1 are exempted from monthly termination to avoid unnecessary drain on resources.
Addendum 698-B: Following recommendation of Dr. Fredricks in the autopsy report included in Incident 698-3-A, SCP-698 examined and found to have gained 0.53 kg in mass. Increase in mass has not been noted in previous experimentation. No glandular matter found.
Incident 698-3-A
SCP Involved: SCP-698
Personnel Involved: Dr. Toben, Agent ██████, Dr. Jameson, Security Officer Brandon Richards.
Date: 06/14/20██
Location: Site ██
Begin Interview Audio Log
Dr. Moore: Glad you could make it, Jameson.
Dr. Jameson: No problem, Ed. I assume this is about 698 getting loose?
Dr. Moore: Precisely. We're trying to make sure this doesn't happen again. Now, what exactly happened in the lab before the incident.
Dr. Jameson: Nothing.
Dr. Moore: Excuse me?
Dr. Jameson: Nothing. Testing was temporarily suspended because we were having difficulty figuring out what causes the doll to shift stages. Other then Stage Four of course. We were waiting 05 approval for a new series of tests to try to work that out.
Dr. Moore: And how long had testing been suspended?
Dr. Jameson: 26 days. We had someone from the research team check the chamber, though, every day to make sure it was still in containment, in case there were some unknown factors in the previous bonds we didn't know about it. The day 698 breached, Agent ██████ was the one to check on it. Normally, this would have been up to one of my Junior Researchers but Agent ██████ assists us from time to time since she was the one to bring 698 in. She was one to find the containment breach.
Dr. Moore: I see. Well, Jameson. I think that's all for now. We'll let you know if we need anything else.
Dr. Jameson: No problem. Ed. I just pray we don't have to watch this happen to someone else. No one needs to see what Dr. Toben has had to deal with.
End Audio Log
Surveillance footage from camera outside SCP-698's containment
00:01: Two assigned Security personnel standing guard outside cell door. There is approximately 5 seconds of static in image before returning to normal. No further abnormalities present.
13:30: Agent ██████ approaches door and provides proof of clearance. Security personnel open cell allowing entry. Door closed after Agent ██████ enters containment.
13:31: Agent ██████ exits containment in agitated state.
13:32: One security guard briefly enters chamber then exits, motioning to his partner.
13:33: Level Two Lockdown triggered for containment breach.
End Surveillance Footage
Interview Log of Head Security Officer Richards
Security Officer Richards enters Interview room with folder in hand. Dr. Moore is already present and rises to greet the Officer. Both men sit while S.O. Richards places the folder on the table in front of him.
Dr. Moore: Thank you for coming. Now, for the record, could you please state your name and position?
S.O. Richards: Security Officer Brandon Richards, Head of Foundation Security for Site ██.
Dr. Moore: Thank you, Mr. Richards. I assume that contains the reports from your men regarding he SCP-698 containment breach?
S.O. Richards: It is.
Officer Richards hands the folder to Dr. Moore, which set off to the side.
Dr. Moore: Good. We'll look through these later. In the meantime, could you please tell me what happened on June 14?
S.O. Richards: Barnes and Hopper where on guard duty outside of SCP-698's containment chamber when Agent ██████ come to perform the daily check. She rushed out soon after she entered and notified the two guards that the chest was not in the chamber. They initiated remote lockdown after verifying the claim and notified the Security Office by radio of the situation.
Dr. Moore: I see. And what actions were taken once the lockdown was started?
S.O Richards: First, a few of men began reviewing the surveillance footage from the day while all personnel were cleared from the halls and searches started in the surrounding laboratories and offices.
Dr. Moore: And did your men locate any clue to whereabouts of SCP-698?
S.O. Richards: Not in the immediate area. However an anomaly was found in the footage immediately outside of the containment cell at 00:00 hours. Once this was found, more men were assigned to review security footage site-wide for similar anomalies. At the same time, the search was expanded to entirety of that wing.
Officer Richards take a drink of water and pauses a few moments before resuming.
S.O. Richards: Even though we found nothing in the wing, we found several anomalies in the security footage. Just as point of reference, SCP-698's containment is officially marked as C5-21 on the blueprints. Wing C, fifth floor, twenty-first room. Anomalies were noted in the footage for Research Lab 19, C3-15 on the blueprints, at 0002 and again at 0130 hours followed by Dr. Lorn's office, C3-12, at 0131 and 0446, and the Mess Hall, B1-05, at 0447 and 0600 hours. There was also an anomaly in surveillance footage in main lobby at 0601.
Dr. Moore: So, effectively, the object was moving about the Site?
S.O. Richards: Correct. After the initial anomaly in footage at each location, the chest could be seen clearly by the camera until the second anomaly. It seems each shift took it somewhere people where or would be. However, anyone who noticed the chest did not interact with it. Until it shifted into the lobby. According to surveillance footage, the receptionist, Ms. Myers, arrived at 0630 hours and opened the chest, pulling out SCP-698. As soon as we saw this, I dispatched three guards to take the receptionist into confinement according to Dr. Jameson's orders. They got her at 1420 hours and escorted to the nearest Safe humanoid containment cell.
Dr. Moore: And you thought that was the end of it?
S.O. Richards: I did. But I did not authorize the lock down to be lifted. We knew she had come in contact with the object but still needed verification that it could be returned to containment. But I got some bad news on that end. Twice.
Dr. Moore: Would you care to elaborate?
S.O. Richards: The guards who escorted Ms. Myers radioed in that there was no sign of the object in the lobby area. When they questioned her, Ms. Myers said it was there and then gone when turned her head for a second. She had assumed someone had taken it while she wasn't looking. Then I got the message from Higgs, one of my men still reviewing surveillance footage. He found a second jump the lobby camera at 0720 hours and traced it to Dr. Toben's office at 0721 hours. The worst part was Dr. Toben had brought her daughter, Vanessa, with her, and the girl had come in contact with the doll soon after.
Officer Richards sighs heavily and rubs his face into his hands. He leans back in the chair thinking for a moment.
Dr. Moore: If you need it, we can take a break and continue later.
S.O. Richards: No. No, I'm fine. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Dr. Toben. We took Dr. Toben and her daughter into custody and placed them both in containment. Vanessa keep playing with the doll the entire time, we didn't know whether to take it from her not. But the chest was still in Toben's office so we sent word to Dr. Jameson and canceled the lock down after it was returned to containment.
Dr. Moore: Thank you, Richards. I think that will be all for now.
Dr. Moore's recommendation for psychiatric evaluation for Officer Richards currently under review ~05-██
Individuals present at locations mentioned by Officer Richards have been interviewed. Interviews have been redacted as they have no value in investigation. All individuals expressed curiosity at presence of SCP-698 but no other compulsion to interact. All individuals lacked any knowledge regarding SCP-698.
Receptionist Tabitha Myers cannot be interviewed. Self termination approved by 05-██ and carried out [REDACTED] under Foundation Policy STO-5089-K.
Video of containment of Vanessa Toben during time effected by SCP-698 has been expunged by order of 05-██.
Being Autopsy Log
This Dr. Fredricks beginning autopsy on Vanessa Toben, daughter of Foundation researcher Dr. Samantha Toben. Cause of death resulted from exposure to SCP-698. Assisted by Drs. Foreman and Weathers.
Subject is Caucasian female, eight years old at time of death. Subject is 1.24 meters in height and 22.72 kg in weight. Subject suffered extensive flensing with heavy blood loss as a result. Eyes also appear to have be heavily damaged by blunt force.
Hmm. Back of the orbits appear to have been shattered. Dr. Weathers, could you please hand me the reciprocating bone saw? Thank you. Now beginning removable of upper cranial portion to examine brain cavity.
Several minutes follow with only the sound of the bone saw present.
Alright. Now removing upper cranium. This is…. unusual. Dr. Foreman get me a light over here now. The entirety of the child's brain has been removed, including the brain stem. Note that there was no damage to the skull other than damage to the back of the orbit.
Moving to examination of internal organs.
Audio regarding organ examination as been Redacted by 05 after being deemed irrelevant.
All organs appear to be of normal weight and appearance. However, both adrenal glands on the kidneys seem have been forcibly removed, possibly during the initial flensing.
Autopsy concluded. I recommend further examination of SCP-698 be done as soon as possible for evidence of any brain or glandular matter.
End Autopsy Log
Standard in Progess
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be housed in Wildlife Containment Bio-Dome 7 located at Bio-Research Site 15. Bio-dome is to be stocked with plant life native to Northern Greece and contain one (1) artificial cave system no more then 10 meters deep as well as an artificial pond and stream to provide a ready water supply. Water is to be thoroughly filtered using built in systems. Both entry and exit for stream are to be grated with industrial grade tungsten to prevent escape. Environmental controls have been installed and are to be adjusted as needed to simulate appropriate day/night and seasonal cycles for the aforementioned region.
SCP-XXXX specimens are to be fed several live prey items, no more than 200 kg total in weight, once every 5 days and 50 kg of dry timber is to be provided every 3 days. If live prey of sufficient size cannot be provided, raw meat can be substituted as needed. Any animal natively found in original area will suffice for prey, as well as domesticated livestock. Feedings are to be doubled for two months prior to SCP-XXXX's hibernation period.
Bio-Dome 7 is to undergo regular maintenance once per month. During this time, SCP-XXXX will be transferred to temporary housing in Bio-Dome 8. Handlers will also use this time to gather any eggs and replace any damaged foliage. Eggs are to be disposed of by incineration unless needed to retain numbers kept in stasis. Fifteen eggs are kept in suspension at all times and only allowed to hatch as needed to maintain current population. Maintenance should not be needed once SCP-XXXX enters hibernation. Interior walls of Bio-domes 7 and 8 are to coated with silicon-based compounds.
Only authorized handlers may enter containment except during approved testing or maintenance. Any personnel coming contact with SCP-XXXX or entering containment area are required to wear level 2 hazardous material suits composed solely of synthetic, silicone-based material. Bio-Dome 7 is to be monitored via remote security cameras at all times.
NOTE: Due to Incident XXXX-A, aerosolized sedative is to be pumped into Bio-Dome 7 using environmental controls prior to maintenance. Armored personnel will then gather and transport specimens to Bio-Dome 8 for holding. Any personnel entering containment must be accompanied by no less then two armed Level 3 Security at all times.
Description: SCP-XXXX is an apex predator originally discovered in Northern Greece and brought into containment by Mobile Task Force Theta-7 (aka “The Pack”). Bio-Dome 7 currently contains five adult specimens: four female and one male. (See Addendum XXXX-6C.)
SCP-XXXX superficially resembles reptiles of the Varanidae family with several significant differences.
First, specimens of SCP-XXXX possess six legs evenly spaced along the abdomen, three to each side. Adult specimens can reach an average length of five meters and weight of approximately 80kg, with males being slightly larger due sexual dimorphism. The length and mass of the creatures lend to a serpentine appearance which is further enforced in their method of movement. The teeth of each specimen are approximately 4cm in length, curved towards the rear of the mouth and hollow.
Females are capable of reproducing via parthenogenesis every 4 years once reaching maturity; though they will prefer to seek out and mate with any available males.
The SCP-XXXX also has an enlarged cranium, allowing for a brain upwards of 75% larger than other Varanidae specimens.
In addition to the creature’s carnivorous diet, SCP-XXXX will also consume ash from burned timber or other available sources. The current evidence suggests this is support the previously undiscovered bacteria (dubbed SCP-XXXX-B) which SCP-XXXX hosts within its body. This bacteria also keeps the body temperature of each specimen at approximately 44 degrees Celsius and providing a higher tolerance for lower ambient temperatures.
XXXX-B can also be delivered to a prey item via bite injection along with a powerful paralytic venom naturally produced by SCP-XXXX. The venom will also congel when in contact with air, allowing it and the bacteria to be spit up to a maximum range of 3 meters if needed. The toxin and bacteria will be absorbed through the skin if applied to living targets.
SCP-XXXX-B will react with carbon in prey items or other material resulting in combustion. The time needed to reach the necessary flash point will vary depending on the mass of the target and the amount of XXXX-B used. Silicon and silicon based compounds appear to be immune to the combustion affect. SCP-XXXX will not consume any prey or meat that has not been burned by XXXX-B.
Addendum XXXX-6C: Effective Immediately: All male specimens in containment as well as any male hatchlings of SCP-XXXX are to be terminated. We can keep up a population without males since SCP-XXXX is capable of parthenogenesis. Though the chances another monster coming from a proper mating are low as we have recently seen with the destruction of half of Site 15, we cannot afford to take chances. ~ Site Director █████.
Addendum XXXX-6G: As of the date of this writing, 3 members MTF Theta-7 have been found dead within 4 km of Site 15. Cause of death determined to be immolation due to SCP-XXXX inflicted bites. These individuals were all part of the team that captured and contained the original specimens.
Evidence suggests victims were killed off-site and were dragged to the location where they were found. Efforts currently underway to track and locate these additional wild specimens. Orders are given to terminate immediately when they are discovered.
Foundation Tales