SCP involved: SCP-XXX
Personnel involved: D-2952-0062, D-5302-2543, D-3313-2156, D-2150-0252, D-3326-503, D-3415-3523, D-0635-3403, D-2529-3161, D-2356-3523, and D-████-████ (all referred to as D-XXX-1 through 10), Dr. ██████
Date: 12/5/20██
Location: Site ██
Total Casualties: 9
Description: D-XXX-1 through 4 are ordered by Dr. ██████ to place themselves in the input control room in front of one of the functional valves. D-XXX-2 is confused and moves in front of a nonfunctional valve. Subject guided to correct valve. D-XXX-5 through 8 are ordered to place themselves in front of a sink. D-████-████ and D-XXX-10 is ordered with a wrench to place themselves in front of a bolt. Subjects told by Dr. ██████ "on the count of 10, D-XXX-1 to 4 are to turn their respective valves. D-XXX-5 through 8 are to turn on both knobs of their sink. D-████-████ and D-XXX-10 are to turn the bolts in front of them." On the 5th count, subjects ready themselves. On 10, all valves turned, all knobs turned, and the last two subjects turn their bolts. Surveillance footage cuts out directly after.
Hazmat Team XXX-3 sent in approximately 2 hours later for personnel retrieval and to survey any damage. A mixture of all liquids produced by SCP-XXX is noted by Hazmat-XXX-3 team member 3 as having a "snot green" color. Hazmat team moves to input control room. D-████-████ is the only remaining personnel on-site. Subject is curled in a fetal position approximately 2 meters away from his last known position. He is moved outside and covered for later pickup. Seeing no other disrepancies other than a broken window and liquid in the input room, Hazmat Team XXX-3 moves to output room. Main changes since last known condition:
- The room is filled with a mixture of highly viscous liquids up to knee height. This makes movement extremely slowed, but possible.
- All windows are blown out.
- Sink number 3 is completely broken. Faucet is twisted and bent, and only small shards of the porcelain mounting remain. Strangely, there is no debris left of the drainage system. Instead, the piping that previously lead to Sink 3 is welded over. Later spectral analysis reveals this to be consistent with [REDACTED]1
- Several objects are scattered around the room. They include:
- One (1) television, consistent with those produced in 19██
- Three (3) clay potted plants with a previously unknown species of dionaea muscipula (venus fly trap)
- Fifteen (15) toy letter blocks, produced by ██████, Inc.
- Three (3) cups of human [DATA EXPUNGED]
Hazmat team sets up six (6) surveillance cameras in their orignal positions, and confirms them as functional at Site ██. Hazmat Team XXX-3 leaves building, and brings D-████-████ to helicopter for pickup.
Testing suspended. We do not want to make SCP-XXX more unstable. O5-█