
Lumancer's Proposal - NU

rating: 0+x

emann@fws1088 $ archive-fetch brief001nu.dir
WARNING: The requested collection is sealed to all personnel in accordance with the Rootwater protocols (see charter section IV, provision 2). Attempted access without pre-approval of the current governing body of the Foundation is grounds for disciplinary action. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
emann@fws1088 $ y
Verifying authorization ……….
Access Granted

During the Wellerman administration, SCP-001 detail was assigned as a reward to personnel nearing retirement age due to its low casualty rate and minimally demanding procedures. Given the advanced experience and loyalty common to such candidates, new transfers frequently expressed incredulity at the apparent quarantine violations and simplistic procedures associated with SCP-001. The transcribed video brief represents an early attempt to mitigate this reaction.

Video transcript: Standard Training 001/2 Version 4, ca. 1971

0:00:00 - Acoustic guitar music accompanies a standard Foundation title card, with the caption “SCP-001: Reassignment Briefing." The memetic deterrent codenamed “Bleeding Gibbous” appears at the top right of the screen, and remains for the duration of the film.
0:00:15 - Scene cuts to a desk set in front of a blackboard. Seated behind the desk is the late Dr. Roger Morrison.
0:00:16 - Morrison: Hello, and welcome. On behalf of the O5 council, I am honored to congratulate you on your assignment to SCP-001. This position has long been a privilege reserved for our most trusted personnel, and if you are viewing this video then you are assuredly counted among them.
0:00:32 - The purpose of this brief is to provide you with a basic overview of the properties and required maintenance of SCP-001, which will supplement your understanding of the the unusual Special Containment Procedures for this assignment. The reasons for this irregularity, while often surprising, are simple: while the physics involved in SCP-001 are heavily classified, the phenomenon is not considered to be anomalous. As such, most standard containment measures associated with SCP objects will not apply.
0:00:58 - Scene cuts to the interior of a well-lit limestone cavern. A body of water is suspended against the ceiling, pooling between stalactites.
0:01:01 - The pool you see here is the instance of SCP-001 at Site 19. While the instances that you care for during each of your deployments may differ slightly in appearance, all share a set of identical behaviors. There are five unique events, each taking the form of some non-anomalous material delivered into the cavern through SCP-001. We refer to each of these deliveries as an “emission”. We will describe them here in order of frequency.
0:01:20 - Type A emissions consist of air and water vapor, delivered every ninety minutes. No personnel action is required for emissions of this type.
0:01:28 - Scene shifts to a pile of pita bread on the floor of the cavern. A female researcher loads the bread into a wheeled cart labeled “TYPE B”
Type B emissions take the form of baked goods, delivered at dawn local time. Load these into the carts provided for processing by our resources team.
0:01:36 - Scene shifts to an assortment of docile wildlife native to North American scattered throughout the cavern. The researcher from the previous scene leads these animals into portable cages labeled “TYPE C”
These Type C emissions are mildly sedated at time of delivery. See them promptly to the provided cages to ensure that they are safely secured before the effect dissipates.
0:01:50 - Scene shifts again. The researcher appears to read a note card aloud, then escorts several persons wearing jump suits into a holding structure marked “TYPE D”
When Type D emissions first appear, be sure to read them the provided Rights and Responsibilities briefing, beginning with “You are convicted felons that have volunteered for our testing program.” When the briefing is complete, escort them to the provided holding cells while they recover from sedation.
0:02:06 - Scene shift. Researcher uses a shovel to move a pile of copper filings from the cavern floor to a crate marked “TYPE E”
Our last emission, Type E, consists of a variety of minerals, metals, fossils, and other strata. Various containers will be provided to you as needed depending on the composition of the emission.
0:02:20 - Scene returns to Dr. Morrison at his desk
Your supervisor will now take a moment to answer any questions you have about your work with SCP-001. When there are no further questions, you will be escorted to your new workstation and provided with all required documentation and materials, including a complete schedule of upcoming emission events. Again, congratulations on your reassignment, and best of luck in your new duties.
0:02:46 - Remainder of tape consists of a closing slide with the text, “Secure. Contain. Protect.” in block lettering below the Foundation logo.


Full of Shit / failed draft

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-2034

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-2034 are to be stored in individual standard containment lockers at Site 11 as they are recovered. No instance is to be provided with fuel nor left operational except in the course of approved experimentation.

To assist in identification of uncontained instances, computer image analysis targeting recurring memetic images associated with SCP-2034 have been added to the sweep schedules of the SHORN IRIS project. Additionally, existing Foundation watchposts created to monitor United States cattle populations for SCP-████ infection have been provided additional resources for the capture of SCP-2034 instances detected obtaining fuel from such sites.

The origin of SCP-2034 remains unknown at time of writing but is suspected to be the work of one or more individuals in the New England anartist community. Identification and apprehension of these individuals is to be regarded as top priority for all staff assigned to SCP-2034.

Description: SCP-2034 designates a collection2 of highly complex mechanical humanoid automatons with similar structure and behaviors. Each instance varies in height and other aesthetic details but follows the same fundamental design and construction. SCP-2034 are formed from an anomalously wear-resistant aluminum alloy and are articulated to provide a full range of motion comparable to that of a human body. Each automaton is powered by a 20 cubic centimeter mechanism located in the upper torso. Though the internal structure of this mechanism is poorly understood, in practice it serves as a highly efficient combustion engine fueled exclusively by mammalian excrement3.

Each instance of SCP-2034 is equipped with an unprecedentedly sophisticated suite of memetically active symbols, noise makers, and olfactory triggers4 exposed or released by the object under varying conditions. The individual effects of each meme vary widely; illustrative examples include:

  • Component Olfactory-3: prevents human subjects from becoming consciously aware of the odors produced by SCP-2034's fuel and engine exhaust.
  • Component Audial-76: convinces human subjects that they are engaging in a gossip-related conversation with any object audibly producing the meme until the sound ceases.
  • Component Visual-18: instills the belief that the marked surface is covered in denim.

In concert, the memetic components of SCP-2034 serve to make each instance resemble a human subject unique from all other instances and extant persons. Active instances are indistinguishable from non-anomalous human beings to unassisted observers, a property assists SCP-2034 in its primary behaviors and consistently hampers containment efforts.

All contained instances of SCP-2034 have been recovered from high schools or universities various institutions and organizations in the United States. In each case, the instance had integrated itself into the organization in question and successfully obtained prominent status within the social structures of that organization, including high regard from non-anomalous peers and inclusion in prominent cliques or other social groups. When not participating in its chosen organization, SCP-2034 covertly collects and stores additional fuel for its engine from the nearest appropriate source. These behaviors theoretically allow SCP-2034 to remain operational and maintain its false identity indefinitely barring severe damage to its mechanical or memetic components.

Although SCP-2034 demonstrates intelligent behaviors in its interaction with humans, deployment of memetic triggers, and fuel-seeking behaviors, none have been found to contain any electronics or cerebro-mechanical5 components that could explain their apparent sentience.

Noteworthy Instances:

2034 Designation 2034 Discovery Date 2034 Discovery Location 2034 Instance Achievements 2034 Details
Instance I 3 Oct, 2002 █████████ High School, █████, Texas Founder of automotive club; starting quarterback of varsity football team Instance discovered after suffering partial failure of its memetic effects due to impact damage in a football training session. Debriefing of witnesses prior to amnestic administration revealed that instance had participated in several games and practices without arousing suspicion prior to "injury".
Instance VIII 15 February, 2004 ████ ██████ High School, ███████, Idaho Student body vice president; organizer of competitive dance team First instance to include visual memetic triggers capable of simulating tanning, minor injury, other temporary physical changes. Application of new memes greatly reduces probability of discovery due to CMD effects6 compared with prior models.
Instance XVI 27 January, 2007 █████████████ Country Club, ██████, Virginia Prominent member and judge in club's garden society. First instance not found in an academic setting.
Instance XX 5 May, 2008 ████ University, █████████, Connecticut Bachelors degree in cultural anthropology; graduated with honors. First instance to successfully complete an educational program prior to detection by Foundation operatives. Identified via photo analysis approx. one year following graduation. Instance remains at large, whereabouts unknown.
Instance XXVIII 2 December, 2010 [REDACTED], New York, New York [REDACTED] Instance was positioned as a prominent critic in anartist troupe "██ ████████" (GOI-LB047). Anachronisms in instance's design and testimony of interviewed members suggest that instance had been operational since November 2006. Troupe disbanded voluntarily following revelation of instance's nature.

Addendum 2034-1: On April 30th 2012, MTF Sigma-2 conducted a raid on a suspected Church of the Broken God outpost located 20 miles south of Chicago, IL. The ensuing firefight resulted in the partial destruction of a combatant originally assumed to be an SCP-217 infectee, but which later proved to be an instance of SCP-2034. The subsequent analysis of captives taken on the raid revealed that six of the seventeen members of this cell were instances of SCP-2034. Interrogation of the remaining subjects produced convincing testimony that this infiltration of the cell by SCP-2034 was not previously identified by Church members. Intelligence operations exploring the possibility of incursion of SCP-2034 into other groups of interest is ongoing. Of note, no instances of SCP-2034 have been detected among Foundation or Global Occult Coalition forces to date.

On DATE, members of MTF-Phi 2 ("Looking Glass") successfully infiltrated a suspected Serpents Hand gathering at [REDACTED]. The event was quickly determined to be an academic conference discussing various subjects relevant to the preternatural community. Below is a partial transcript of a lecture delivered by person of interest "Scholar Klarus"7 entitled “Ancient Ferromysticism: Gnostic Precursors of the Broken God”

[…] Unfortunately, those same xenophobic tendencies stifled the proliferation of Tln’tan8 technology into Europe and South America, which in turn made the spread of machine-centric theology and philosophy all but impossible. Simply put, there was no way to preach communion with the mechanical to cultures that lacked knowledge of the cog, much less complex machines. It comes as little surprise, then, that the thaumaturgic sinking of Tln’tas by the Daevite navy resulted in the near-total eradication of the Ferromystic Gnostic religion. What little of the faith survives to the modern era consists of rites practiced by Tln’tan expatriates, who had devised simplified versions of the meditative arts that could be performed without the Grand Engines housed in the temples of their homeland.

One such practice that has been adapted by the Church of the Broken God is a form of augury using a tool known as the “Iron Tarot”. The deck itself is a set of 76 square ferromagnetic wafers, typically plated with various precious metals for cosmetic purposes. The means of employing the deck is beyond the scope of this discussion, but its composition is of particular interest.

As in the more commonly known deck, the Iron Tarot is composed of both suited “minor arcana” and a set of unsuited trumps, or “major arcana”. The fifty minor arcana come in five suits of ten cards each, with seven numbered cards and three face cards, the names of which vary by suit. In the modern deck, these suits are: Pipes, with face cards Shaper, Nexus, and King; Springs, with face cards Dancer, Hound, and Prince; Gears, with Tower, Rider, and Colossus; Chains, with Maker, Captive, and Priest; and Blades, with Keeper, Maw, and Empress.

The sole structural difference in the suited cards from the old Tln’tan deck to the modern version is the treatment of the Blades suit- it was regarded as the lowest suit in the old forms, but has been elevated to the highest position by the Church. Additionally, I have limited evidence that the third Blades face card in the ancient deck was simply the “Lady of Blades” as opposed to the “Empress”, though the lack of text in the ancient deck’s layouts makes this difficult to prove. The more interesting differences in the minor arcana relate to how they are depicted visually. As might be expected given Church doctrine, modern reproductions of the deck are entirely devoid of flesh- all face cards feature entirely mechanical representations of their respective subjects. Copies of the ancient deck, by contrast, depict partially or wholly organic creatures as appropriate, either as the main subject for cards such as the Dancer of Springs or the Colossus of Gears, or as ornamental additions on the Nexus of Pipes and Maw of Blades.

As with the minor arcana, trumps in the original Iron Tarot follow some superficial similarities to the traditional tarot deck’s format, with the addition of some additional structure. The twenty six original trumps can be interpreted as two full cycles through the thirteen-element deScieg alchemical model. These are, in order:
1. The Bellows
2. Anvil
3. Crucible
4. Waterwheel
5. The Maker
6. Resonance
7. Alloy
8. Rust
9. Gilding
10. Propeller
11. Lodestone
12. Mainspring
13. Automaton
14. The Vent
15. Mineshaft
16. Furnace
17. Oil
18. The Grand Engine
19. Ash
20. Steel
21. The Shuttered
22. Mirrorwheel
23. Railway
24. Ore vein
25. Pendulum
26. Harmony

As in the suited cards, the major arcana exhibit cosmetic alterations meant to eradicate the classical theme of harmony of flesh with the machine; but unlike the suited cards, the Church’s changes are far more dramatic. To being, two new arcana were created for the modern deck. First, meant to mimic “The Fool” in classical tarot decks, is trump Zero, “Flesh”, the only depiction of organic matter in the Church’s version. Second, and meant to serve as “The World”, is (unsurprisingly) a card representing The Broken God, referred to interchangeably as “The Heart”, “The Engine”, and “The Broken”.

In addition to these new cards, trumps that are incompatible with Church doctrine have been altered to suit their unique theology, typically replacing existing cards with representations of objects they believe to be parts of The Broken. Notable replacements are the replacement of “Harmony” with “Conversion”, representing their application of the clockwork virus; replacement of “The Maker” with “The Eye”, a relic held by the Church in ███ ██████; replacement of “The Grand Engine” (symbolism not know to the modern Church) with “The Voice”; and replacement of “Gilding” with the lost coin they refer to as “The Soul”. Those of you familiar with alchemical theory will note that most of these changes are incompatible with the intended symbolism of the original versions, and the effects on the deck’s function are noticeable; readings performed with the altered version of the Deck do not “play true”, and can produce dangerously deceptive results due to the altered balance of the trumps.

The speaker then opened the floor to questions, at which time agent ████████ exited in order to record an unrelated session9. The deck discussed in this lecture matches the description of a set of artifacts frequently acquired from captured members of Church clergy. The cards are typically accompanied by a complex crank-operated device containing heat-sensitive springs and weak magnets, now believed to be used in shuffling the deck and laying a field as in conventional tarot fortune telling. Investigation into possible anomalous properties in “Iron Tarot” decks and the shuffling device remain inconclusive at this time.

Name: Klarus
Concept: Heretical Druidic Broken-God Mystic
Faction: Church of the Broken God
Physical Health: 7
Mental Health: 7
XP: 0


Ferromancer: 4 (-mancy as in divination, not manipulation. "Read" information on past events or current surroundings stored in nearby metal; communication with analog machines; analysis of metal objects; limited fortune-telling / futuresight via metal implements; dowsing for specific metals )

Inner Peace: 3 (resistance to negative emotions, natural or otherwise; concentration under fire; calming personality / reassuring presence; strength of will)

Golden Fist: 2 (staff combat; limited unarmed combat; redirection of attacks & enemy weight/balance; evasion)

Mechanophile: 2 (Repair, modification, and development of clockwork or analog machinery)


* Aluminium Rod — +1 to Golden Fist

* The "Iron Tarot" — +1 to Ferromancer


* Undue Reverence: Klarus will not take potentially destructive action against any mechanical object or entity, even in self defense.

History Klarus' life was largely unremarkable prior to his twenties, at which time he was inducted into the Church of the Broken God. Following his catechism and initiation, the young man was given his name and infected with a controlled strain of SPC-217, converting his right arm, shoulder, and portions of his neck and torso. On expressing an interest in the church's clergy, Klarus was apprenticed to a High Priest, in whose service he remained for the better part of a decade.

In recognition of his service and the conclusion of his training, Klarus was granted the honor of an audience with a sacred artifact. Referred to simply as "the Eye", the object's effects vary greatly; in the case of Klarus, it opened his mind to knowledge through metal. His newfound Ferromancy provided Klarus with a fresh perspective on the church. The balance and beauty of metal and the mechanical had become apparent to him in ways that he could never have understood unaided. However, as the months progressed and his new assignments sent him thoughout the church's holdings, Klarus noted an increasingly disturbing pattern. The pieces of the Broken that he encountered in his travels were many things: some objects of beauty, some heavy with darkness, some twisted and strange so that it pained him to perceive them. There was but one thing that he did not find among the collected pieces; the sense that he was viewing parts of a whole. Klarus' decision to discuss his doubts with his old mentor ended quickly, violently, and with Klarus on the run from the institution that had housed him for over a decade.

Though he has fled his pursuers successfully thus far, Klarus is certain that the church will eventually find and kill him. With the belief that his days are short regardless of his actions, Klarus has chosen Tamlin House as his refuge; if he must die, let him become one with the most wondrous mechanism he has ever encountered.

What does your character fear?
Given his nature, the Great Outdoors. Also, the goals of the Church of the Broken God; he increasingly views them as a perversion of the nature and beauty of metal and the mechanical.

What are your character's goals?
To commune with Tamlin house through meditation and exploration until it or a disciple of the Broken God takes his life.

If your character could be an animal, which one would it be?
A music box is an animal, right? Barring that, a chameleon, for its ability to attune to its chosen environment.

What is your character's dearest wish?
To continue learning from the gift he has been given as long as he can.

Why is your character here?
A profound sense of awe for Tamlin House, an overdeveloped sense of fatalism, and the desire to make his death more meaningful.

If your character had a tattoo, or another one, what would it be?
The symbol of the Major Arcanum "The Pendulum" from the Iron Tarot.

If your character could have any superpower, what would it be?
Astral Projection.

What is your character's greatest weakness?
Innaction, both due to a fatalistic attitude and excessive introspection.

What is your character's greatest strength?
Even temperment and presence of mind.

(tarot brainstorm below this point)
Minor Arcana in five suits (springs, gears, pipes, chains, bolts) with numbers 1-7 plus three face cards
oil, smoke, furnaces / boilers, the smokestack, the pendulum, the scales, gilding, rust,

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-FFFF

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-FFFF is secured in vault 12 at Storage Site-23. A fitted cloth cover is placed on SCP-FFFF and is not to be removed except during approved testing. As of 06/23/2006, experimentation on SCP-FFFF is considered complete and it has been placed in permanent storage. For additional information, or to request additional testing, contact Reevaluations and Review.

Description: SCP-FFFF is an antique wooden vanity mirror crafted in the late 1800s. The mirror itself has proven highly resistant to tarnish or warping due to age, but the object demonstrates no other unusual physical properties. Human subjects within 10 meters of the object score significantly lower on the Satisfaction With Appearance Scale (p < 0.05) and are abnormally prone to discussing elements of their bodies that they wish to change.

The primary effect of SCP-FFFF manifests when a human subject views itself in the object's reflective surface. If a subject in this state imagines an alteration to its appearance, that subject's anatomy is rapidly altered to match the envisioned changes. These alterations include only gross anatomical changes explicitly considered by the subject; individuals lacking extensive knowledge of human anatomy generally affect changes that are nonfunctional or actively detrimental to their health.

SCP-FFFF was recovered from the home of actress ███████ ██ █████ blah blah keeping herself young blah

Abridged Testing Log:

*Testing Procedure:* Subjects were introduced to the testing chamber with SCP-FFFF concealed, but near enough to the object to affect body image. Subjects were interviewed to determine their intent prior to full exposure. Following the interview, SCP-FFFF was revealed and its effects on the subject observed.

Subject: D-FFFF-0511
Interview Notes: Subject expressed dissatisfaction with his complexion, noting large pores and pock marks.
Results: Skin on subject's face fused into a smooth surface without pores or hair folicles. TODO REPERCUSSIONS

Subject: D-FFFF-4185
Interview Notes: Subject noted issues with excess body hair on his torso
Results: Subject rapidly sheds all body hair from his back, shoulders, and portions of his abdomen. Subject's hair follicles were not affected, and the removed hair regrew normally until the subject's scheduled termination.

Subject: D-FFFF-2784
Interview Notes: Subject expressed dissatisfaction with excess body fat
Results: Subject's skull was (blah blah obligatory furry, dead by cranial trauma)


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