Sandbox page for user Morgan_Stern. Occasionally represented as "Research Assistant Stern" in-character.
Addition to scp-978 experiment log
On the suggestion of Dr. M██, a series of SCP-978 tests were carried out on a sleeping subject. Research Assistant Stern volunteered to be the test subject, and was monitored with a polysomnography rig consisting of EEG, EOG, EMG, ECG, respiritory airflow, and pulse oximetry. Dr M██ monitored these readings, and Dr R███████ photographed the test subject with SCP-978 at each stage of sleep.
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Sitting up in bed drinking a glass of water.
Photo Result: Subject sitting up in bed drinking a cup of hot chocolate.
"Test image taken to ensure subject does not have an anomalous reaction to SCP-978." —Dr R███████
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 1, the transition between wakefulness and sleep.
Photo Result: Subject is sitting up in bed attempting to solve a Rubik's cube.
"Subject had spent a large portion of the hour before going to sleep attempting to solve a Rubik's cube. This photograph is probably a manifestation of the Tetris effect." —Dr M██
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 2 sleep.
Photo Result: No change.
"As expected. Humans in NREM stage 2-4 sleep are not expected to show any awareness or conscious thought, and therefore should have no desires." —Dr M██
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 3 sleep.
Photo Result: No change.
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 4 sleep.
Photo Result: Subject in [DATA EXPUNGED] consistent with reports from D-class personnel [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject immediately awoken by Dr. R██████, but was unable to recall what he dreamed about.
"Subject has worked with SCP-874 on a previous assignment but should never have been in a position to see [DATA EXPUNGED]. Experiment will be repeated another night to see if this phenomenon reoccurs." — Dr. R███████
"EEG showed perfectly ordinary brain-wave patterns for stage-4 non-REM sleep, not consistent with dreaming at all." —Dr M██
Subect: Research Assistant Stern
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 4 sleep.
Photo Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] as before. Subject allowed to continue sleeping. Further photographs taken at regular inteverals show a similar image with the [DATA EXPUNGED] in different positions.
"Subject suspended from Foundation work and placed under observation while more tests are conducted." — Dr. R██████
Subect: Five facility personnel including two D-classes, transferred temporarily from work on SCP-874.
Photographed Activity: In all five cases, polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 4 sleep.
Photo Result: Each image shows a slightly different view of [DATA EXPUNGED].
"This is worrying. We thought the mind-altering effects of SCP-874 were limited to those who came into physical contact with it in its active state. We need a control sample." — Dr. R██████
Subect: Dr. R██████. Subject is aware of SCP-874 but has never worked on it directly.
Photographed Activity: Polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 4 sleep.
Photo Result: Subject in [DATA EXPUNGED].
NOTE: After seeing the developed photographs, Dr. R██████ made a written request to O5-█ to never be assigned to work on SCP-874. Request pending approval.
Subect: Five D-class subjects, none of whom have any knowledge of SCP-874.
Photographed Activity: In all five cases, polysomnograph indicates subject is in NREM stage 4 sleep.
Photo Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] in all five cases. Angles of view differed, as before.
"I honestly don't know if that's better or worse." —Dr. R██████