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Item#: SCP-1139
Object class: Euclid
Special containment procedures: Specimens of SCP-1139 are stored in a 10m x 10m x 10m containment cell that is designed to act as a greenhouse, regularly providing the specimen with a bed of soil, required amounts of rainfall, sunlight and a constant, warm temperature. Observational booths have been constructed all around the room so that foundation personnel might maintain constant watch over the specimen. Every two months, D-class personnel are made to enter the room in groups of no less than three, with one being the control subject, one having taken a generous dose of depressants, and one wearing a full hazmat suit. Foundation researchers will take notes of the effects experienced by the subjects.

Description: SCP-1139 appears to be a type of weed that grows commonly throughout Europe. However, a recent population of SCP-1139 was discovered in a certain location that eventually came to be known for its odd psychological effects on humans. When in large quantities, through means yet unknown, the collective plant population is able to cause mass hallucinations among people. Hallucinations, as pictured here in a rendering done by an artist who survived a brush with SCP-1139, typically involve imagining hands reaching out of the grass, to grasp and claw at the victim's legs. These arms and legs are invisible to all but the victim, but wounds do appear, and do cause physical harm. Personnel note that in the early stages of specimen containment, a pair of D-class personnel were dispatched into the cell as a raw test of the damaging effects of SCP-1139. Neither survived, and their mutilated corpses were later recovered from within the grass. It appears that if left alone long enough, a person will be dragged beneath the grass and maimed. In reference to the experiments regularly conducted, survival rates are the following: 0% for the control group without any medication or hazmat protection, 100% for the group on heavy depressants, and 100% for the group in hazmat gear and injected with heavy depressants. However, those not wearing the hazmat gear were typically recorded as having died of an acute case of radiation poisoning, with a survival ratio of approximately 14%. Out of those wearing the hazmat suits, 0% experienced cases of radiation poisoning.
The plants were recovered in their largest quantities surrounding the remnants of what had once been the site of a German concentration camp. The exact name of the camp is [REDACTED]. Investigations are being carried out to evaluate the correlation between this location and the lethal properties of the specimen.

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