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Akdağlari Archaeological Containment Area, External View

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the impracticality of transport, SCP-XXXX is to be contained in situ at the Akdağlari Archaeological Containment Area. With the exception of permanent site security, staff are to operate consistently with non-official cover as adjunct researchers associated with Koç University. In order to ensure normal functioning, SCP-XXXX-01 is to be rotated offline, cycled, and serviced once per calendar year.

All documentation made available to cleared personnel involved in the manufacturing of reality anchors is to be restricted to procedural matters pertinent to that worker's assigned tasks. Explanatory documentation is to be restricted to the Site Director, the Technical Director, and the member of the O5 Council assigned to supervise GLASS VEIL (O5-05), except upon a vote of the full panel of O5.

After an unscheduled excursion in normal operating parameters on ██/██/2007, SCP-XXXX has been rotated offline for maintenance. Functionality is estimated to be restored by ██/██/████.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a natural cavern complex 41km ENE of Fethiye, Turkey, adapted and briefly occupied by a relict population of Homo sapiens decensus during the lower Paleolithic. A number of anomalous technologies therein stabilize and supply power to SCP-XXXX-01, a 3m x 3m x 3m beryllium bronze icosahedron containing the 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m 3-space embedding of a 5-spatiotemporal manifold.

Other than those technologies necessary for the operation of SCP-XXXX-01, no decensus artifacts or signs of persistent habitation are present in the complex. On initial recovery, the artifact was inactive and apparently incomplete. At present, the artifact is tentatively believed to have been intended as a ritual object permitting the visualization of high-dimensional possibility spaces.1

The archaeological record surrounding the complex is enigmatic. The structure was apparently abandoned before the central artifact was completed, and while contemporaneous sites from the Akdağlari mountains imply knowledge of basic bronzeworking and a complex written language, no technologies more advanced than meteoric iron knives have been recovered from nearby decensus habitation sites. Foundation researchers tentatively believe that the artifact and its support complex were cached for unknown purposes by Levantine decensus populations and later modified by indigenous Anatolian decensus.

Since its discovery in 1951, SCP-XXXX-01 has been the subject of continuous study. While active, the artifact is capable of substantially constraining the probability amplitude of paracausal (i.e., "reality bending") anomalies within an approximately 8km radius of its origin point. Though it is not well-understood why the 5-manifold embedding underlying SCP-XXXX-01 has this effect, topological calving of the SCP-XXXX-01 manifold has allowed the Foundation to reproduce devices with substantially similar function. As part of the Foundation's 091-PANDORA program, SCP-XXXX-01 has, until recently, been used to manufacture and stabilize the 5-manifolds embedded in Scranton Reality Anchors.

After a 2007 excursion in normal operating parameters, manufacturing has been temporarily halted. Existing Scranton Reality Anchors have been reprioritized for use in Keter and Class 3+ Euclid containment procedures. For access to reserved reality anchor stocks, consult with your site quartermaster.


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