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SCP-906, Inactive State: Recharging

Item #: SCP-906

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-906 and SCP-906-1 are currently in the possession of Mobile Task Force Xi-11, presently dispatched to Site-32 for additional containment requirements. When not in use, both are to be stored in a containment locker at Sector-28. Requisitions for access/extended use are to be submitted to Dr. ████ ██████

Description: SCP-906 is a green-glass ███-███ bottle, manufactured in 19██. SCP-906-1 is the corresponding cap, complete with matching logo. The bottle was discovered in the attic of Ms. ████ ████, late wife of Dr. Stanley ████, who worked for the Foundation in the 19██’s as a research assistant on SCP-████. How Dr. ████ came into the possession of SCP-906 and why he did not turn it into the Foundation is unknown.

While fully functional as a liquid container, SCP-906 has additional, more interesting uses as well. When held up to one’s eye, it provides a limited form of illumination for the user, who can see in complete darkness. The effect is only temporary, leading researchers to believe that the bottle somehow [DATA EXPUNGED], allowing the viewer the same benefit as a [DATA EXPUNGED]. Vision will gradually darken over the course of the next hour until effect ceases.

Additionally, if SCP-906-1 is placed on SCP-906, both will slowly begin to glow, providing a temporary source of light. Light will self extinguish in approximately 11 hours but has a tendency to last longer if placed in proximity to another source of light, regardless of intensity. Researchers believe this is a side effect of the [DATA EXPUNGED], strengthening the argument that SCP-906’s abilities are inherently [DATA EXPUNGED].

Essentially, SCP-906's only applicable uses are as a non-electric source of light or night-vision, as its self restoring status would allow it to be used almost continually. Requisitions for access/extended use are to be submitted to Dr. ████ ██████. [[Currently Unavailable—See Addendum 906-1]]

Experiment Log 906-1:
When SCP-906 was first found and its anomalous properties were first discovered, researchers made a concerted attempt to determine if any fluids would effect the results. Of the over 148 experiments made, only █ yielded results of any kind. All of these were related to green fluids.

Date: October 17, 19██
Subject: SCP-906, 16 oz of Water
Procedure: Water was placed in SCP-906. SCP-906-1 was attached to the top.
Details: No noticeable increase or decrease in output detected.

Date: October 17, 19██
Subject: SCP-906, 16 oz of Water shaded red.
Procedure: Water was placed in SCP-906. SCP-906-1 was attached to the top.
Details: No noticeable increase or decrease in output detected.

Date: October 17, 19██
Subject: SCP-906, 16 oz of Water shaded blue.
Procedure: Water was placed in SCP-906. SCP-906-1 was attached to the top.
Details: No noticeable increase or decrease in output detected.

Date: October 17, 19██
Subject: SCP-906, 16 oz of Water shaded green.
Procedure: Water was placed in SCP-906. SCP-906-1 was attached to the top.
Details: Brightness of glow increased 4%. Supports hypothesis that SCP-906 responds better to a chromatic liquids. More extensive testing revealed that SCP-906's light output increased whenever exposed to a green tinted liquid. Effects range from a 1.34% increase to a ███% increase, according to shade and color.

As no further effects have been noted, further testing is halted. O5-█

Addendum 906-1:
Mobile Task Force Xi-11 has requested SCP-906 go on temporary loan to them due to [REDACTED]. Request granted. O5-█

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