
SCP Foundation Warning Labels

Electromagnetic Hazard - Object is inherently capable of generating an electrical or magnetic field, and may be capable of discharging at will.

Biological Hazard - Object presents a threat to biological systems by destroying, modifying, or assimilating them.

Corrosive Hazard - Object is capable of dissolving, eroding, or otherwise accelerating the breakdown of organic and/or inorganic matter.

Radiological Hazard - Object is capable of emitting ionizing radiation in quantities sufficient to pose a threat biological systems.

Temperature Hazard - Object is capable of inherently generating or absorbing sufficient heat to severely alter the absolute temperature in its immediate vicinity.

Information Hazard - Object presents an immediate corruptive or disruptive threat to information systems and/or media.

Accelerated Entropy - Object exhibits accelerated entropy, or encourages the same in its immediate vicinity.

Thermodynamic Violation - Object is capable of producing or absorbing more mass or energy than it consumes.

Non-Standard Space-Time - Object transcends human perception of space and time, and may not conform to laws of relativity.

Inconsistent Topology - Object does not have measurable and/or constant spatial dimensions, or may have variable dimensions when not under direct observation.

Macroscale Quantum Phenomena - Object’s characteristics are particularly susceptible to decoherence upon interaction with external stimuli, potentially including observation.

Non-Euclidean Geometry - Object does not conform to laws of geometry, and/or exists in fewer or more spatial dimensions than experienced by human perception.

Self-Replicating Object - Object is capable of creating copies of itself; object may or may not require outside material to accomplish this task.

Autonomous Object - Object is capable of self-locomotion and action without exhibiting signs of being self-aware.

Sentient Object - Object shows signs of being self-aware and given no external stimulus will act according to its own best interests.

Hostile Intelligence - Object knowingly and willfully directs aggression at other sentient beings.

Passive Psionics - Object is inherently capable of affecting or observing intelligences and/or its environment exclusively through its will.

Active Psionics - Object is inherently capable of intentionally affecting or observing intelligences and/or its environment exclusively through its will.

Existential Threat - Object poses an immediate and constant risk to the human race, the planet Earth, or known space-time, whether by nature or intent.

I am particularly concerned with the description for Quantum Macroscale Phenomena, and the psionics categories as a whole.

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