The Perception Filterer

[A few notes: I know I've yet to put this into proper Foundation font/sizing, also any "[]" symbols means they're meant to be blacked out, for some reason my computer hates that fucking symbol, and finally, even as a student of English I got wearied by trying to nail down the grammer of its/it's/its' in this article, so I would deeply appreciate any feedback on that]

Item #: XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX is currently serving an invaluable role as leader of MTF Ceti-9 [Perception Detectors]. He is to be subject to a psychological evaluation from Dr. Lindsay of Site [] once a week. It is imperative that its weekly evaluations be conducted by a psychologist familiar with its state of mind. At least three [3] Foundation psychologists must study the transcripts of SCP-XXXX's sessions with Dr. Lindsay each week to ensure an adequate replacement will be available in the event Dr. Lindsay cannot fulfil her duty.
In the event that any psychological shifts are either detected by the evaluating psychologist or reported by at least two [2] members of MTF Ceti-9, SCP-XXXX is to be restrained in a standard humanoid containment cell and its state of mind, brain chemistry and medical health exhaustively examined and the results sent to O5 HQ. If any O5-level staff conclude SCP-XXXX is a threat to himself or others he is to be terminated through standard humanoid termination procedures, with notice given for the fact that he is a highly trained, highly intelligent, highly experienced field agent with intimate knowledge of our methods and systems.

Revision XXXX-1
SCP-XXXX is currently serving an invaluable role as leader of MTF Ceti-9 [Perception Detectors]. He is to be subject to a psychological evaluation from a team of experienced Foundation psychologists familiar with its state of mind once a week. It is imperative that each of the observing psychologists have extensively studied SCP-XXXX's background and transcripts of previous analysis'. At least ten [10] Foundation psychologists must study the transcripts of SCP-XXXX's sessions each week to ensure an adequate replacement will be available in the event that any of its regular evaluation staff are unable to fulfil their duty.
In the event that any psychological shifts either detected by the evaluating psychologists or reported by at least two [2] members of MTF Ceti-9 SCP-XXXX is to be restrained in a standard humanoid containment cell and its state of mind, brain chemistry and medical health exhaustively examined and the results sent to O5 HQ. If any O5-level staff conclude SCP-XXXX is a threat to himself or others he is to be supplied a standard Foundation sidearm loaded with a single bullet. If SCP-XXXX fails to terminate himself, he is to be subject to the insertion of VX nerve agent through the ventilation system of its cell.

Item Description:
SCP-XXXX [formerly known by the pseudonyms Jaques Orson, Kai Rather and Bjorn Thomas] was discovered at the [] mental hospital, where he was being treated for chronic schizophrenia and acute multiple personality disorder.
During the second year of its treatment, an outbreak of [DATA EXPUNGED] of which he was the only survivor, the entirety of the hospital's staff and patients having killed and eaten one another. SCP-XXXX was then recovered by the Foundation and exhaustively examined in an attempt to discover what had allowed him to withstand [REDACTED] memetic effects.
After multiple psychological evaluations it was concluded that SCP-XXXX's mind- that is to say it's psyche, perception and memories -are infinitely mutable. As such, there exists none of the (to use the layman term) “anchors” which allow memetic triggers to find a foothold in a subject's mind and adversely affect them.
Once the source of SCP-XXXX's immunity was discovered, numerous teams of medically and psychologically trained Foundation staff took turns analysing SCP-XXXX, in order to harness or even replicate its anomalous effects for the good of the Foundation. Eventually one Dr. Evelyn Lindsay succeeded in establishing what can tentatively be called a “rapport” with SCP-XXXX, and through this relationship convinced it to put it's abilities to use for the Foundation.
Dr. Lindsay suggests that despite the malleability of SCP-XXXX's state of mind, there exists a number of core tenets of it's psychology that are never warped, what she describes as the “crux” of it's innumerable psyches. It was for this reason, she suggested, that SCP-XXXX had never committed a murder or caused serious bodily harm [although it has been involved in numerous violent incidents- see Addendum XXXX-1]
Due to the unique nature of it's mind, given enough time SCP-XXXX can find a solution to almost any problem. If the problem is one of logic or reasoning, he must simply wait for it's thoughts to mutate into a state that allows him to solve it. If it is one of knowledge, he must wait for a psyche to surface that has learned the knowledge at some point [while testing has proven SCP-XXXX's recall is far from perfect, it is theorized each of the disparate personalities he mutates into has its own knowledge base gathered from facts the collective SCP-XXXX entity has observed at some point in its life, all of which are retained at the average rate of human memory retention.]. Due to these abilities SCP-XXXX passed every MTF aptitude exam with top scores and was concluded to be more than qualified to lead a team of its own.
With this in mind MTF Ceti-9 was constructed, with O5-[] personally handpicking squadmates known for making ruthless, on-the-spot judgement calls in the event that SCP-XXXX's psyche mutates into a “dangerous” state. Ceti-9 has to date completed [] missions and demonstrated exemplary performance in dealing with memetic hazards.

Addendum XXXX-2
On [] O5 HQ received reports of a Containment breach in the Safe object storage wing of Site []. The precision and speed with which containment systems were shut down triggered the Cronos Protocol pertaining to Chaos Insurgency attacks on Foundation sites. Several anti-personnel MTF units were dispatched, who discovered Site [] restored to full working order, with all of its staff present and accounted for. A full recount of contained SCP's found that only SCP-XXXX and SCP-[] were missing.
Twenty-three [23] hours later Dr. Evelyn Lindsay was reported missing by her husband. Foundation Agents were dispatched to investigate, who discovered that not only were there no clues as to her wherabouts, there were also no DNA traces or fingerprints of her found in her own home.
Recognising this as the effects of SCP-[] MTF Ceti-9 was embedded with local law enforcement with orders to find and neutralize SCP-XXXX with extreme prejudice.
Approximately four [4] hours into the search, a junior researcher entered SCP-XXXX's quarters with intent to search them for clues as to it's whereabouts, instead finding SCP-XXXX watching television. When questioned as to it's whereabouts for the last twenty-seven [27] hours, it simply responded that it had been in its quarters recuperating [SCP-XXXX had fractured several ribs during its last mission]. Security camera footage of the hallway outside it's room corroborated this, and investigating Agents could find no further evidence that SCP-XXXX had any part in the disappearance of Dr. Lindsay. Containment procedures were revised in light of this incident, both to compensate for the loss of Dr. Lindsay's insight and to more stringently assess what SCP-XXXX is capable of.

Letter to O5-[]
Dear Overseer []
Regarding SCP-XXXX, specifically regarding the fact that it has been allowed to keep it's command and to function with all the freedoms of any other Foundation employee despite the fact that the only woman who could really get into its' twisted mind has vanished…
That's all I have to say, that's all it should take to make you reconsider.
That, and that Dr. Lindsay was the brightest woman I've ever worked with, and the people I work with investigate objects that break the universe.
Signed, Dr. Wellson.

Letter from O5-[]
Dr. Wellson has been demoted to D-Class, pending assignment.

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