Item #: SCP-AAA
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Only one box containing SCP-AAA is to be used for research purposes. The remaining twenty seven is to be placed inside an undisclosed warehouse and must not be accessed unless the current box is displaced.
The current box is placed on a darkened soundproof room. No direct contact with the box is allowed. Opening the box is only allowed through the old tractor (SCP-AAA-A).
SCP-AAA-D is placed on the different room and direct contact is allowed under supervision.
Pictorial descriptions of SCP-AAA of any kind is prohibited. Written description must omit any specific details about SCP-AAA. Spoken description is allowed.
Any personnel working with SCP-AAA or SCP-AAA-D must be given at least 30 days before they can work with SCP-AAA or SCP-AAA-D again.
Don't touch it. Don't see it. Don't smell it. Don't interact with it.
Description:SCP-AAA is currently over one hundred thousand pens and twenty seven (27) coffee cups inside 28 cardboard boxes. The boxes are titled SCP-AAA-1 to SCP-AAA-28. As of this writing, only SCP-AAA-1 is used by the Foundation.
It is retrieved from the house of Mr. ██ in ██/██/20██. Mr. ██ had been known by his neighbors to be obsessed with writing. The boxes filled with small notebooks confirm the neighbors' suspicion. Most information concerning SCP-AAA is obtained through these diaries, all of them marked as SCP-AAA-D.
When a person interact with SCP-AAA (by using the pen to write, for example), that person will instantly remember details about it, such as its shape, its toughness and other properties. The amount and the detail of the properties remembered vary, but it seemed to correlate with the length of time SCP-AAA had been used and the amount collected. The kind of details depends on the usage. A person who bit the pen will remember the taste of the pen. Once a person memorise the details and stopped using SCP-AAA, he or she will be compelled to seek for more items that have the same or similar properties.
The new items that are collected become another SCP-AAA.
Once the person failed to collect more SCP-AAA or managed to hold the compulsion, the ability of SCP-AAA is copied to a different object after a period of ██ days. The new SCP-AAA is random and it doesn't have to be placed near the original SCP-AAA.
The type of objects that turn into SCP-AAA seems arbitrary, with the only required characteristic that it is collectible. The list of items that can become SCP-AAA ranged from badges to fetuses in a jar.
Any detailed descriptions of the shapes of any SCP-AAA, whether through writing or pictures, will become the next SCP-AAA. However, the new SCP-AAA only expressed its properties if the person observes the entire writing or picture. A glance or a focus on only one part of the writing or the picture does not seem to have any adverse effects.
There is currently no safe way of observing SCP-AAA. Any descriptions of any detailed descriptions of SCP-AAA will become the next SCP-AAA (Refer to Experiment log 121).
It's a pen that makes you collect more pens. Boo!
Addendum: Can also be a coffee cup.