Manifestation of SCP-XXXX-1 captured on IR camera 032. |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently contained within a 65 x 83 km² area in ███████, Ireland, designated Site-625. SCP-XXXX's containment area is separated into three (3) primary sectors. Sector-1 is a 1 km “Yellow Zone” radius surrounding the main body of SCP-XXXX's containment field wherein no anomalous properties have been observed. It is to be surrounded at all times by steel wire fencing and signed off as a hazardous zone. SCP Personnel masquerading as national park rangers are to patrol this area at all times and redirect any trespassing civilians. Under no circumstances are unauthorised persons permitted to breach Sector-1's border. Sector-2 is a 3km area within SCP-XXXX's containment area, an anomalous “Orange Zone” surrounded by 3 meter high electric fencing, topped by razor wire. Foundation observation encampments E-019, E-020, E-021 and E-022 have been assembled within this area and continue to function daily.
Access to Sector-2 is permitted only to Level 3/XXXX and upwards personnel. Any anomalous activity detected within Sector-2 must be immediately reported to a supervising officer. Sector-3 is everything encompassed within the bounds of Sector-2's inner perimeter. This area is a designated “Red Zone” and is to be sealed off by 4 meter high, iron wire fencing topped by iron razor wire. This fencing is to be maintained and cleared of any oxidisation or damage at weekly intervals. No personnel are permitted to enter Sector-3 under any circumstances. The area directly above SCP-XXXX is a strict no-fly zone, any aircraft located in this area are to be rerouted immediately.
All personnel stationed within SCP-XXXX's containment area are to carry small arms loaded with iron ammunition at all times and must wear at least one (1) item of iron jewellery. Hearing protection is to be carried at all times by stationed personnel and is to be immediately utilised in a XXXX-1-K26 Scenario. All staff stationed within the bounds of SCP-XXXX must submit to psychological and physical examinations every three (3) days. Any staff found exhibiting symptoms of exposure to a XXXX-1-K26 Scenario are to be transferred to an off-site foundation infirmary for treatment and are not permitted to return to SCP-XXXX's bounds until cleared by medical staff. Currently no specimens of SCP-XXXX-1 have been successfully contained. Any SCP-XXXX-1 manifestations encountered within SCP-XXXX are to be approached with extreme caution and are not to be engaged unless otherwise ordered. Attempts to capture SCP-XXXX specimens should not be attempted by any personnel outside of XXXX-1-H1930 Detainment Teams.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a stretch of heavily forested wilderness located in ███████, Ireland. Sectors -2 and -3 of SCP-XXXX exhibit several notable anomalous properties. Sector-2 is subject to unusual temperature and electromagnetic field spikes across its area, as well as at least four (4) instances of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Sector-3, however, is subject Class-A spatial anomalies. Any organic life entering SCP-XXXX's perimeter, excluding instances of SCP-XXXX-1, are incapable of escaping the area unless tethered to a point outside the affected area. Unmanned drone investigations into Sector-3 have revealed several physical and geographical inconsistencies with the surrounding area, high spikes of electromagnetic energy and notable amounts of [DATA EXPUNGED] present within the atmosphere.
SCP-XXXX-1 are organic entities that emerge periodically from Sector-3's bounds. Visually, they appear to be slender humanoids, standing at an average of 165cm with pale skin, long, manoeuvrable ears and light hair. SCP-XXXX-1 specimen’s eyes are reflective when exposed to light sources, suggesting the presence of a tapetum lucidum. Multiple SCP-XXXX-1 specimens have been observed with minor physical variances, suggesting the presence of a larger community. SCP-XXXX-1's movements are described as being “feline” in appearance despite the humanoid physiology. Instances of SCP-XXXX exhibit basic intelligence and have been observed to be aggressive on occasion. Although no solid records exist of exact anatomy, field agents have reported “clawed fingers” and “sharp, canine teeth” present on SCP-XXXX-1 specimens. These descriptions are consistent with injury reports from personnel stationed within SCP-XXXX.
XXXX-1-H1930 Detainment Team Echo-2. |
SCP-XXXX-1 specimens are capable of emitting an aural phenomenon which, when exposed to a human subject, will cause severe delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, and will cause subjects to feel “drawn” to Sector-3 of SCP-XXXX. This phenomenon, designated a XXXX-1-K26 Scenario, has resulted in five (5) personnel going missing within Sector-3's bounds. Exposure to a XXXX-1-K26 Scenario can result in symptoms manifesting for as long as five (5) days. Currently, the only reliable method of deterring SCP-XXXX-1 specimens is through the use of pure iron weaponry and objects. It should be noted that oxidised iron or iron alloy materials such as steel do not exhibit this effect. Attempts to harm or otherwise affect SCP-XXXX-1 specimens without the use of iron has so far been unsuccessful. Attempts to kill or capture SCP-XXXX-1 specimens has thus far been unsuccessful.
XXXX-1-K26 Scenario Recording:
= = = = = =
| User details submitted…
| Accessing main server database…
| Main server database access successful!
| Access granted!
= = = = = =
= = = = = =
The following audio file has been recovered from Sector-2 of SCP-XXXX during a capture operation by XXXX-1-H1930 Detainment Team Alpha-5. It has been stored on this page for research and testing purposes.
Access Sound File
Currently, the following symptoms have been observed in subjects exposed to this sound file:
- Heightened blood pressure rates.
- Auditory hallucinations.
- Visual hallucinations.
- Minor muscular spasms.
- Minor electroperceptive abilities.
- Heightened anxiety and a sense of “dread”.
Tests are ongoing with this data and all results will be stored in data archive file XXXX-183FG-912.
Addendum: O5-XXXX-01: Reports from our teams stationed in SCP-XXXX have recorded increased manifestations of SCP-XXXX-1 in Sector-2. Something appears to be aggravating these entities. Security precautions have been increased for all stationed personnel.
SCP-XXXX-1 Prior to establishment of Containment Site-97. |
SCP-XXXX-2 in containment. |
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe Keter
SCP-XXXX-1 is currently welded between two 5 inch thick slabs of steel measuring 4 meters by 2 meters. This structure, designated 282-Michael, is located in cell T5 at Site-97 and is to be checked on a weekly basis for any signs of damage. Any degradation to 282-Michael is to be repaired immediately. Access to SCP-XXXX-1 is permitted exclusively to personnel possessing Level 4 and above clearance. Should any instances of SCP-XXXX-1C breach containment, Kill-Order 282-Gabriel is to be initiated immediately and remain active until successful re-containment has been achieved. SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-3 are to be contained in cell K3 at Site-97 and are to be guarded at all times by two (2) security team personnel. Access to SCP-XXXX-2 and -3 is permitted to personnel possessing Level 3 and above clearance unless Kill-Order 282-Gabriel is in effect, in which case, access to SCP-XXXX-2 and -3 is permitted only to Level 4/XXXX personnel and above. Any unauthorised persons attempting to gain access to SCP-XXXX-2 and/or SCP-XXXX-3 are to be detained for questioning immediately. No instances of SCP-XXXX are to leave Site-97 under any circumstances.
SCP-XXXX-1 is to be contained within cell T5 at Site-97. Access to SCP-XXXX-1 is permitted to personnel possessing Level 3 clearance and above. D-Class personnel may be utilised when interacting with SCP-XXXX-1 on a testing basis. SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-3 are contained in cell P6. Access to SCP-XXXX-2 and -3 is permitted to personnel possessing Level 2 clearance and above for research purposes. No instances of SCP-XXXX are permitted to leave Site-97 unless mandated by a Level 4/XXXX supervisor. All testing of SCP-XXXX instances is to be observed by an appointed Level 4 site supervisor. Any non-living objects (designated SCP-XXXX-1B) and living object (designated SCP-XXXX-1C) uncovered from SCP-XXXX-1 are to be contained in the adjacent holding cell T6 for further research. Any items deemed benign are to be destroyed. Any items found to possess anomalous properties are to be moved to cell F2 for storage and research purposes.
SCP-XXXX encompasses three (3) primary items: SCP-XXXX-1, -2 and -3. SCP-XXXX-1 is a door and doorframe comprised of wood and iron. It exhibit sign of severe age and damage, despite this, attempt to further damage or destroy SCP-XXXX-1 have so far been unsuccessful. SCP-XXXX-1 is secured by a steel lock. The interior of this lock exhibits a structural anomaly: Every 5 days (120 hours) the interior design of SCP-XXXX-1's lock will change. Attempts to unlock SCP-XXXX-1 through unconventional means have thus far proven unsuccessful. In addition, attempts to open SCP-XXXX-1 without first unlocking it have been unsuccessful. Currently, the only known method of unlocking SCP-XXXX-1 is through the use of SCP-XXXX-3. Notably, when SCP-XXXX-1 is unlocked, the door will automatically open and will remain this way until manually closed, at which point it will return to being locked.
SCP-XXXX-2 is a small side table comprised of wood and steel. Every 5 days, SCP-XXXX-2's leftmost drawer will manifest an instance of SCP-XXXX-3. Attempts to uncover how SCP-XXXX-3 instances are produced from SCP-XXXX-2 have so far proven inconclusive. Further research is currently ongoing. SCP-XXXX-2 possesses no other notable qualities. SCP-XXXX-3 instances manifest as keys of varying shape and design. These keys possess no notable similarities to previous instances barring the fact that all instances of SCP-XXXX-3 are comprised of pure iron. Each instance of SCP-XXXX-3 will, after 5 days, rapidly oxidise and disintegrate via an unknown means. The remains of SCP-XXXX-3 instances are not shown to possess any anomalous qualities. SCP-XXXX-3 will always fit the lock on SCP-XXXX-1.
When unlocked, SCP-XXXX-1 will lead to an apparently randomised doorway on earth. Occasionally, these doorways have lead to hazardous locations. No locations accessed through SCP-XXXX-1 have yet possessed any anomalous properties. SCP-XXXX-1 will lead to one selected area for a total of 5 days before the location changes. No areas accessed through SCP-XXXX-1 have yet possessed any extradimensional properties. [DATA EXPUNGED]
SCP-XXXX-1 Testing Log:
Currently, all testing of SCP-XXXX-1 and related instances has been suspended. No further testing is permitted under any circumstances. Any personnel found attempting to breach this suspension order are to be detained for questioning immediately.
- Date: 03/05/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-04
- Result: Basement of an office complex in █████, Germany.
- Notes: N/A
- Date: 08/05/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-05
- Result: Doorway to the roof level of the ██████████ Building in ████, Western Australia.
- Notes: N/A
- Date: 13/05/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-06
- Result: Unknown location currently submerged under an unknown body of water. Cell T5 was partially flooded during this incident, resulting in minor injuries to four (4) Foundation personnel.
- Notes: ”In light of this incident, we've upgraded the security parameters of cell T5 to accommodate future hazardous areas uncovered through the use of SCP-XXXX-1.” - Dr. Charleston.
- Date: 18/05/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-07
- Result: Closet of a unknown child's bedroom in a house, located ██████, India.
- Notes: ”That poor kid is going to be having nightmares about ugly men in orange jumpsuits for a while. This recovery has given us reason to use more confidential precautions when opening SCP-XXXX-1. Of all the things we considered when preparing for this, having our cover blown was not one of them.” - Dr. Frost.
- Date: 23/05/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-08
- Result: Abandoned tool shed located on a disused farmstead in ████, North Korea.
- Notes: N/A
- Date: 02/06/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-09
- Result: Stairwell of a university building in ██████, South Africa.
- Notes: N/A
- Date: 07/06/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-10
- Result: Elevator shaft of the ██████ Building, Spain.
- Notes: ”It appears that SCP-XXXX-1 can lead to areas not accessible through conventional doors. This is an interesting development. We've once again upped precautions for further testing.” - Dr. Lou.
- Date: 12/06/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-11
- Result: Currently burning household in ██████, Japan.
- Notes: N/A
- Date: 17/06/13
- Subject: D-XXXX-12
Recovery Notes:
Incident XXXX-G-97-A1 Report:
Addendum: O5-XXX-01: